Civil Engineering B.Tech course is designed to meet the needs of modern Civil Engineering fields like construction Technology, Geo-Technical Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering. By the time student complete this course, they will be fully trained to analyze and design the complicated structures. There are a number of technical specialties within the realm of Civil Engineering, These include:
Structural Engineering - creating the structural element of design, whether for bridges, or skyscrapers. Probably, the oldest single specialty in civil engineering, going all the way back to Pharaoh's pyramids.
Geotechnical Engineering - concerned with the rock and soil which supports the structures that other civil engineers design.
Enviromental Engineering - designing system for the treatment of chemical, biological and thermal wastes.
Material Engineering - these are the experts on the various material which other civil engineering use for their projects.
Water Resource Engineering - concerned with the collection and management of water. Some of the earliest known civil engineering were the roman engineering who created the aqueducts.
Eartquake Engineering - a speciality dealing with creating buildings and other structures which can withstand the stresses of earthquakes without falling.
Coastal Engineering - managing the costal areas of our country, including marshlands. Coastal engineering create defence against flooding and erosion.
Engineering knowledge has increased through the years to where each of these specialities needs its own training. Although all of these are considered part of civil engineering, each of these specialities is its own vast area of knowledge, requiring dedicated, talented individuals who want to learn and grow.
Being a civil engineering is satisfying, yet challenging work. It requires mixing creativity and science; something that not everyone can do. Yet, for those who can, it provides incredible satisfaction, as they see the results of their labors.
The Computer Science and Engineering Department of Mount Zion college of engineering provides a bridging between theory and practice, with well qualified, committed and experienced faculties and excellent facilities where the students get a rare opportunity to explore in the world of technology.
The department started in the year 2001 with a student intake of 120 in 2 batches for B.Tech programme which was further extended to PG programme with an intake of 24 students in the year 2013.
. The International Conference on "Recent Innovations in Technology and Management", which is conducted in a yearly manner, is a forum to interact with eminent researchers and explore the upcoming trends in Computer Science.
The department is equipped with an expert team of well qualified, experienced and committed faculty members. Five well equipped laboratories with facilities to conduct research activities, functions under the department.
Department plays a vital role in nurturing students with up-to-date knowledge in Computer Science & Engineering. Bridge courses conducted by the department provide opportunities for the students to strengthen the pre-requisites required for various courses in the curriculum. Another highlight of the department is that, it shows keen interest in offering short term/add-on courses apart from the courses in the curriculum, for uplifting the students to meet the growing needs of the industry. Workshops and hand on sessions are conducted on a regular basis, to put on practice, the theoretical concepts learned in the classrooms. To broaden their knowledge in the emerging technologies, the department frequently conducts seminars and invited talks with the support of experienced resource persons from the industry.
The faculty members also pursue research in areas Network Security, Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis, Image Processing. The U.G. and P.G. students are also encouraged to take part in these research activities by taking up projects and publishing their findings in reputed international conferences and journals.
The Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Mount zion college of Engineering provides a bridging between theory and practice, with well qualified, committed and experienced faculties and excellent facilities where the students get a rare opportunity to explore in the world of technology.Department plays a vital role in nurturing students with up-to-date knowledge in Computer Science & Engineering. Bridge courses conducted by the department provide opportunities for the students to strengthen the pre-requisites required for various courses in the curriculum. Another highlight of the department is that, it shows keen interest in offering short term/add-on courses apart from the courses in the curriculum, for uplifting the students to meet the growing needs of the industry. Workshops and hand on sessions are conducted on a regular basis, to put on practice, the theoretical concepts learned in the classrooms.
B.Tech. courses in Applied Electronics & Instrumentation were started at Mount Zion College of Engineering, Kadammanitta in the year 2001, when the college started functioning. Our students have secured good results consistently in the University B.Tech AE& IE final results. Every year almost 70 % of Students of AE&IE Department are placed with high Salaries at different fields with Calibration, Instrumentation, ASNT, NDT, Oil Refineries etc. Department provides the necessary trainings at the desired semesters required to get placed. Other professional improvement programmes are being held regularly to enhance skills & knowledge of our students. Emphasis is laid on fundamentals and concepts with a view of analysis and design for various applications. The Department is also well equipped with lab facility for the academic development of the students. Department focuses more on creating Social Engineers and Entrepreneurs.
The Mechanical Engineering Division established in 2014 in Mount Zion College of Engineering.The course curriculum of Mechanical Engineering is constantly reviewed and revised to adapt to ever changing requirements and to satiate the needs of both national and international industry by the MGU & KTU.
The division is strive to educate students as the next generation of engineers capable of becoming leaders in Industry, Government and Academia.
The B Tech cource in Aeronotical Engineering was started in the year 2009. The goal of the B.Tech Programme is to train the students in a broad based manner with equal focus on applications in aircraft engineering, rocket and space technology. The curriculum is designed to impart engineering knowledge in topics such as structural mechanics, thermodynamics, aerodynamics, aerospace, propulsion and space dynamics.
Further provision exists to acquire additional engineering knowledge through electives. A subsonic research wind tunnel with six component balance, pressure scanner and precision manometers and supersonic wind tunnel (Mach 2.5 to 3.5) are the laboratories possessed by the department. Lear Jet 24 aircraft, Cessna 172& Cessna 150 aircraft add to the assets of the department.